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With our participation in tradeshows and conferences and our innovative news pertaining to our technologically advanced products and repair solutions, Belzona is constantly making headlines in the world of composite materials and coatings.


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📈 New Testing Information for Belzona 3111 (Flexible Membrane) 📈

☀️ In recent Solar Reflectance Index (SRI) testing, the results showed that the cool roof coating, Belzona 3111 (Flexible Membrane), exhibited high solar reflectance properties with an average* SRI of 99.4%.

☀️ Considering the vicious cycle of increased global temperatures leading to an increased use of air conditioning, which exacerbates the problem further, polymeric technology like this plays a valuable role in mitigating this damaging process. 

*Average figure based on SRI calculated in low, medium and high winds.

Read our latest bog post to learn about what our Solar Reflectance Index test results mean for asset owners 👉 

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