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With our participation in tradeshows and conferences and our innovative news pertaining to our technologically advanced products and repair solutions, Belzona is constantly making headlines in the world of composite materials and coatings.


Issue #109 In Focus: Flange Protection

The integrity of flanged connections is critical to the containment of fluids in a piping system. Loss of containment, whether in chemical lines such as hydrocarbons and gas systems or water distribution lines, will have significant environmental, operational and commercial impact, and could pose a serious safety risk. Proven for over 10 years, the Belzona flange face forming technology eliminates the need for conventional cut and weld repair methods involving hot work and allows for a simple application in emergency situations, especially in areas with limited access such as on offshore platforms.This issue discusses this technology in detail and introduces a unique repair kit developed to aid this solution.

Issue #109 In Focus: Flange Protection

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